Incredibly Unique Recipes


As I stare at the dog’s hypnotic eye, I think back on the evolution of the Blue Dog. It all began for me in 1998 in Invemere, BC with a handful of soup recipes and some good sandwiches.

Over the next few years, the repertoire of soups grew from 20 to almost 80 as we experimented with different flavors. The menu grew as well, as customer demand for something we ran as a special, to become part of the regular menu.

The only criteria we had were that we could make it ourselves, it would consistently taste good, and we would have fun while we were doing it. Processed, packaged and pre-made foods, which were never a big part of the picture, became less and less. “Why can’t we make that ourselves?” became the common question. In addition, everything we made ourselves ended up being more interesting and better tasting than anything we had been using, so this seemed to be the way to go.

As the eclectic menu grew, I began to wonder just what kind of a restaurant we are. It all seemed as crazy as our dog, and that is just how it should be!

Simply honest, great food in a casual happy place, which is what Blue Dog is all about!

Special note of Thanks


My staff, all of which are involved in every part of the preparation, are constantly pushing me, on how to improve, to try something new, or be more environmentally conscious.

New, young sets of eyes and idea’s continue to be my inspiration in this evolution.

Thanks are in order for every one of them who have helped shape what Blue Dog is today.

A fun, colourful and

Eclectic Menu

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